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Católicas por el derecho a decidir México

About Us

We are a movement of Catholic feminists committed to the defense of human rights, particularly those related to sexuality and human reproduction, and a life free of gender violence and discrimination. We promote the secular State, social justice, and cultural transformations from the perspective of progressive theologies and with an intersectional feminist approach.

Our work

Desired motherhood

We believe in motherhood as a choice and not as an unavoidable destiny for women and people with capacity to get pregnant This implies guaranteeing the right to legal, safe and free abortion, as well as more humane pregnancy and childbirth conditions.

Sexual freedoms

We work towards sexualities that are not linked to reproduction, that occur as consensual, pleasurable, and joyful acts, without stigmas or guilt. This includes comprehensive sexuality education and access to contraceptive methods and the prevention of unwanted pregnancies.

Sexual orientation, gender identity and expression

We want people free to be and to love, without determinism or discrimination, recognizing the richness of living in plural and diverse societies.

Life free from violence

We work to create dynamics and relationships that stop and prevent the violence that is exercised against women’s bodies for gender reasons in many contexts.

The secular State and religious pluralism

We promote secularism as a basic condition of the State to guarantee the exercise of rights, as well as to advance in the democratic coexistence of the diversity of religions and beliefs, the autonomy of individuals, and the exercise of freedom of thought and conscience.

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