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A Different Catholic View on Abortion

The Catholic tradition recognizes that women can make decisions regarding all aspects of their lives, including their choice of a partner, their experience of sexuality, whether or not to have children and when. This means that women are moral subjects because we can distinguish what is best for us. A Different Catholic View on Abortion is aimed at Catholic women, aged teen and up, and it seeks to:

  • Contribute to reaffirm the moral authority of women to make decisions about their reproductive lives.
  • To inform that, in the Catholic tradition and the Church, there are different positions on abortion and that this Church does not condemn abortion under some circumstances.
  • To reduce the guilt associated with the decision to terminate a pregnancy amongst Catholic women (including teenagers).

This campaign was adapted for its particular dissemination in the state of Oaxaca with the support of Centro Profesional Indígena de Asesoría, Defensa y Traducción A.C. [Professional Indigenous Center for Advisory, Defense and Translation]. For this reason, many materials were created  in Isthmus Zapotec and Central Valley Zapotec, including two radio spots.

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