
Catolicadas is an animated series about sexuality, gender, and religion created by Catholics for the Right to Decide. It has been broadcasted on social media since 2012. Through cartoons, it presents stories of young and adult Catholics facing conflicts or moral dilemmas. Catolicadas addresses issues close to believers using uncomplicated language and a touch of humor. The topics are related to gender equality and family diversity, sex education and safe sex among young people, abortion, violence against women, gay and lesbian rights, the defense of the Secularism of the State, and human rights inside and outside the Church.

Two main characters are involved in the series. On the one hand, we have Sor Juana, a progressive and liberal nun who promotes messages based on Catholic traditions, theology, human rights, and feminism. And on the other hand, Father Beto, a conservative priest with traditional and fixed ideas who is attached to the orthodoxy of the Catholic hierarchy and always promotes messages that reproduce the conservative sexual morality of Church authorities.

Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

Season 5

Season 6

Season 7

Season 8

Season 9

Season 10

Season 11