Cindy Clark


Cindy is an American feminist, currently Co-Executive Director of AWID, an international feminist organization that supports movements working to achieve gender justice and women’s rights. She began her work at the Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID) with the program “¿Dónde está el dinero para los Derechos de las Mujeres?” [Where Is the Money for Women’s Rights?]. The matter of resources for feminist mobilization in social organizations continues to be a major concern for her, along with the development of feminist practices and culture. She has a Master’s degree in Human and Organizational Development, specializing in the Study of Change and Learning in Organizations. She is part of the Assembly of Catholics for the Right to Decide since August 2021. 

Her interests include organizing living room dance parties with her family members who are under 10 years old. To escape from reality, among other things, she immerses herself into puzzles and/or science fiction.

"I am part of Catholics for the Right to Decide (CDD) because bodily autonomy is central to feminist struggles and I am encouraged by CDD’s commitment and track record in this ongoing political/personal project."